InOMN at ChesLen Preserve

Quite a bit of work on the part of the ChesLen Preserve managers helped to make a success out of the much less than favorable skies for the International Observe The Moon Night event on Saturday, October 12, 2013. The grass was cut, light control was in place and the Lenfest Center was prepped accordingly through the efforts of many. Bill Hanagan, Greg Lee, Rob Lancaster, Jeff Lawrence, Keith Givens, Jack Goodwin and myself entertained a troop of 8 scouts and the 3 adults who accompanied them, as well as 2 other adult couples that came. Some of the scouts were after their astronomy pins, one of whom said he wanted to be an astronomer. This event helped them all. They were clearly enthused. Arriving a little before 6PM, they stayed until almost 9PM for the indoor presentations that followed about a 1/2 hour of Lunar observing through peek-a-boo clouds and an International Space Station pass that thrilled the kids.
Koi On-The-Go was the on-site food vendor serving tasty fish tacos that had most everyone coming back for seconds and even thirds.
Judging by the interest of the scout leaders in ChesLen’s conservancy program, it looks like the NLT might be picking up some new members. We all shared a part in helping to inspire young minds during International Observe the Moon Night at ChesLen Preserve.




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